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Showing posts from September, 2012

Sirius Documentary Update from Dr. Greer and Amardeep Kaleka

This latest update on the Sirius ET documentary is packed with new details and a great positive message from a World Puja Network talk by Dr. Greer and film maker Amardeep Kaleka. Some of the points that Dr. Greer and Mr. Kaleka cover in this latest update are: Amardeep Kaleka addresses the murder of his father at the Sikh Temple.  He says that this was a senseless act by a member of a racist group and not related to Sirius in any way. Dr. Greer talks a little about the Extraterrestrial Biological Entity that they are going to investigate further.  They may include add this to the film after more investigation.  He does not disclose where the body is, but covers the testing that they are performing including MRI, genetics, and others.  He also mentions the skull that is in the possession of Lloyd Pye .  It is unclear at this point, but that skull may be included in Sirius. One of my favorite topics, consciousness technology , is discussed at length...

Spectacular UFO Videos from February 2012: Wide Variety

Weather Balloon Made of Swamp Gas?? This is an excellent video collection taken of UFOs throughout February, 2012.  An amazing increase in UFO sightings across the world has been taking place as we start this decade. I really like this group of UFOs because they are so diverse.  Some show objects which appear as consciously controlled asteroids.  Others are pulsating and stationary, multicolored flying objects. All of these UFO videos are labelled with their date and location.  Whoever made this compilation did a very good job, so show them some love by sharing across your social networks like Google Plus, Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook . Many people are still unaware that these UFO sightings are rapidly increasing across the world.  It helps everyone to share and wake others up to this fact.  It seems like it is going to culminate in something very major for this planet.  Who knows? Maybe our global consciousness is raising enough...

Silver Sphere UFOs Performing Incredible Acceleration: 1993

These UFOs videos were caught from the ground in 1993. It is tough to tell whether these videos are authentic because they are so old, but I like to share a wide variety of different lights and shapes in the sky that are difficult to explain. I have seen these types of silver spheres in a host of other videos and they seem very interesting.  What makes them hard for skeptics is their acceleration and sudden stopping in mid air. No flying craft acknowledged as man made can go from a hover to instant acceleration like these UFOs .  Although, I bet some special projects that are kept from the public can do this very easily.

Mass UFO Sighting Myrtle Beach 12/13/12 with Everyone Excited

This is a pretty cool mass UFO sighting from Myrtle Beach on September 13, 2012. That type of UFO has become much more common recently.  Often they consist of at least three lights performing aerial moves. Sometimes they are in a triangle formation (or attached to a triangular craft).  In other cases there are many orange lights grouped together and moving around in a tight formation.

A Plan for Successful Community Based Edible Landscapes

This is an excellent Ted Talk about a volunteer based movement called the Incredible Edible Todmorden Unlimited .  They grow edible landscapes across entire cities.  This can work anywhere.  Please check it out, share with your community, and start your own! This is a completely volunteer based sustainable movement .  It is starting to pop up all over the world in hundreds of cities as more people learn about it. In the past, communities have been forced to build these types of urban gardens out of necessity in difficult times.  Well, the planet is in difficult times now!  As we increasingly wake up, we know that it is time for each of us to take responsibility for the planet. Some of the benefits I see of these common area gardens are: Drop the prices of food for everyone. Encourage a community based action which brings people together in partnership. Raises the health of everyone as they all have a hand in their own organic food.  (Co...

Mass UFO Sightings Reported from the Mainstream Media

This is a compilation of mainstream media coverage of different UFO sightings .  I think this should be the biggest news story every day, but we don't always get what we want. It is a positive step forward that this is finally starting to show as the media responds to the people demanding some truth for once.  We all know that they are liars through and through.  That is at an end, not by their choosing, but by everyone pushing for disclosure. The suppression of this information was never going to be a permanent thing.  How could it be with so many waking up to the fact that extraterrestrials are visiting our globe constantly? I don't approach the UFO idea with fear (anymore).  That is what world leaders and other business interests would want.  When you let go of the fear and realize that if they were hostile, we would already be toast, the ET and UFO phenomenon becomes positive and wonderful. I hope the media can keep this up and expand the tr...

Resources for Sustainable Living: SustainaWiki!

I found this awesome new site and had to post about it.  It is a wiki called SustainaWiki (found here) .  The readers are allowed to add posts to it just like Wikipedia did in the beginning. The SustainaWiki subject line describes themselves as: "SustainaWiki is a wiki site designed with one thing in mind: offering information about sustainability to anyone who needs it!" It is a rather new, but rapidly growing resource for finding how to guides, news and stories about the following topics: Energy Food Home Improvement Landscaping Technology Transportation You can add your own topics and pages after you make a free account.  If you have something to share that is along the lines of being more sustainable, don't keep it a secret! The sustainable movement has been exploding as we each face the responsibility that we cannot continue on as we have been.  We are all waking up and SustainaWiki looks like it is going to continue to grow quickly as a resou...

Lloyd Pye Lecture on Human Origins: Awesome!

Lloyd Pye has been researching human origins and alternate theories for more than 30 years.  The more I read the research on human history, the more I am inclined to believe that humans were created as workers by visiting extraterrestrials using genetic manipulation technologies. I don't write that lightly and this stems from a great deal of reading myself.  This lecture may nudge you in that direction of thinking as well. This lecture covered a variety of topics about human origins and different anomalies related to evolution of mankind.  Some of my favorite points that he covers are: Any "missing link" that is now pushed would have to be a series of multiple skeletons.  We are too different from our supposed Earthly ancestors to require just one missing link. Some of the differences between our hominoid ancestors and ourselves are: our bodies are much weaker, our gait (walking style) is incredibly inefficient for Earth, we have a fused chromosome which...

Unprecedented Free Energy Technology Release by Keshe Foundation

I am going to write about this more in a few days, but I wanted to mention that the Keshe Foundation (here) has vowed to release their amazing plasma technology to the public. This is a little video intro by Keshe and it seems like a good place to start. It looks like there are hundreds of applications to this technology.  The Keshe website has many different departments listed such as: Energy, Environment, Nano and ICT, and Health. I need to research this more, but it seems like a new understanding of the neutron and atom in general has been reached, which has released a kind of cold fusion reactor.  The principle is really simple and works, most importantly. The implications of simple free energy technologies being released are vast.  It means every type of energy would become obsolete and a great flowering of freedom would sweep across the planet. It is amazing to think that while this type of information has been touted for many years, the sheer number of...

Best UFO Sightings of August 2012

I am catching up on my UFO sightings videos today, and passing along the best ones that I find.  In my infinite laziness, I am glad that I found this compilation where the recent ones are all in one place. These are some of the best UFOs caught on video from around the world. It covers all of the UFO sightings from August 2012 . I think my favorite one from this UFO compilation is at minute 3:00.  The backdrop is a night sky.  The UFO raises vertically through the frame then stops mid air.  It then makes a 90 degree turn to the left. I have lost all patience for people and "experts" who try to explain this away to some terrestrial phenomenon.  Just my opinion, though.  Everyone has the right to be in denial or in their tunnel vision view of the world and Universe!  Have a good one.

UFO Sighting on KTLA Broadcast Aug 19 2012

This is a really cool UFO sighting from a KTLA news broadcast on August 19, 2012. Some interesting notes about this video off the top of my head are: This is a video feed that the news anchor sees all the time, so he knows what is supposed to be there and what it not. These UFO lights are very common lately.  The pattern of three lights are being seen all over the globe.  Sometimes they come together as one light and disappear from sight . The news anchor seems to know what he is looking at when he says, "I'm hoping those are just airplanes".  He doesn't sound very convinced! It seems to be that not only are the global UFO sightings on the rise in a big way, but they are appearing where it is easy for a large amount of people to see them. If some of them are not from this world, it would make sense that they would know where to be for the maximum exposure.  This is one of the exciting possibilities. There are vast implications of the UFO sightings...

UFO Sighting: 3 Lights Converge and Disappear in England

This is one of my favorite new UFO videos from August 2012.  It was taken in England: The UFO phenomenon is rapidly accelerating in 2012.  Sightings like these are becoming very common across the globe.  I used to be able to easily keep up with the new ones, but it has become hopelessly difficult. Different UFOs of every size and shape are appearing (and disappearing) all over the globe.  This one is special to me because the lights merge rapidly and disappear in a blink.  There is still some light in that shot, so we can see them very well. As we wake up further to the fact that we are being interacted with by extraterrestrial craft, these sightings will continue to grow.  Could it be a signal to the governments of the world that it is time to come out with their secrets?

Apollo 11 Was Observed by UFO

This is a cool little video clip and interview of Buzz Aldrin.  During the Apollo 11 mission, the astronauts began to ask where the late stage rocket was. The rocket was the one that separated from the shuttle a couple of days ago.  They were asking about this position because they saw something outside which was tracking along with them in space.  When the answer came back that their old rocket was 6000 miles away, they felt that they were looking at some other object. Buzz Aldrin describes it as being ellipses from one perspective and L shaped from a different view.  Several space missions from before reported seeing objects that were not explained.  The Apollo 11 astronauts never mentioned the UFO over the radio because they did not want to cause a panic. The UFO has never been identified or even officially acknowledged.

Open Mindedness, Collective and Expanded Consciousness

Being open minded, to me, goes hand in hand with expanded consciousness.  When you open your mind to possibilities that you never considered before, you take a step towards freeing your mind.  Most of your opinions were fed to you without you thinking about it. For all of our lives, we are bombarded with ego inflating images and videos.  Advertisers want you thinking you are not good enough and