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Showing posts from July, 2013

Exploring Tunnels UNDER Egypt's Giza Plateau - Video

A Massive Ancient Canal System This is an incredible tour of the Giza plateau between the Sphinx and the middle pyramid.  It is an intricate system of water channels that lead to the pyramids. Most people work from the assumption that the pyramids are dynastic.  They see all of the ruins through this false lens. In realistic studies, though, we must let the evidence guide our theories.  It is amateur and irresponsible to assume anything about ancient sites. This video clearly shows that there are at least three levels of building on top of the massive and perfect channel construction.  It also aligns well with the work of the Engineer Chris Dunn. Are These Huge Giza Power Plants ? The pyramids are built to machine precision and appear to have been used as a power structure or generator.  The inner chambers are made to resonate perfectly.  it seems that the supply of power was from these giant water canals. I believe this is the work of a...

Adyashanti: The Experience of No Self (Video Clip)

Adyashanti is great as a spiritual teacher.  I thought I would share this quick clip from my subscriptions feed. Here are some of my favorite points from this brilliant quick talk. Emptiness means no self in the center. The self always keep to the center.  "I want this, I want that." It is very tough for us in this society to think of us as anything but a self.  All seeking is still self seeking. To see the absence of self opens the door to experience the absence of self.  This is liberation, or leads to liberation from sense of self.