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Showing posts from January, 2014

An Easy Thought Exercise to Be More Fully Present in the Here Now

Some of the greatest problems that we encounter in our spiritual, or consciousness expanding journey , is the release of the importance of our day to day torments. We are worried about future events.  We are regretful or horrified of our own past actions.  It is like violently smearing our attention and ourselves into the past and future. What purpose does this serve?  We can only limit this when we are aware of what we are doing.  So, now you are aware! Our suffering is often an aspect of worry having to do with time.  In other words, we are not being present in the moment.  I like to refer to it as the here now because space and time are one.  All is one, inter-connected and inter-twined. We very capable of finding infinite ways of torturing ourselves in the present time as well.  This occurs when we are not being present in space. In our social interactions we may be constantly worried about what others think.  We may be const...

Paul Stamets Incredible Talk About Mushrooms Through History

Check out this talk from Paul Stamets about mushrooms throughout our shared history.  Please share since this information applies to all humans everywhere. A great walk around the history of mushrooms and humans.  They follow densely along our trails so that we all share the spore mass. All plants are part fungi.  It is all a massive symbiotic relationship.  It always has been.  Please study and share information about mushrooms and fungi. By learning about and pairing with fungi, we can easily rebuild and regreen our planet in a way that is enhoyable.