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Showing posts from March, 2014

Can There Exist True Human Nature?

Is there a such thing as human nature? Or are there only actions and reactions that we are taught throughout our lives?  Is it human nature to ask such questions? Is human nature a term that allows us to be separate from our own actions.  Is it the ultimate excuse to not take responsibility for ourselves? Perhaps our thoughts and beliefs are so strong that they become our true nature.  We can change with constant application and learning.  Doesn't this erase the idea of a pervasive human nature? We are still not sure where we come from as a species, so I can't even provide a reasonable description of a human.  How then can I talk about human nature? The nature of everything is to change, so why enslave ourselves in this rigidity? I would suggest that we have no true nature.  We act differently all the time.  We are different when we are sick, when we are rested, when we are tired or hungry. The list of variables that guide our actions is endless....