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Showing posts from February, 2019

Heaviness Dissolved in Awakening

Enlightened, you are not burdened by the heaviness of the world any longer. The heaviness was mind, uncontrolled, chaos that was never yours. Your thoughts were everywhere in your mind, never here, a false universe. The heavy self cracks and dissolves into the past.  It cannot be repaired. Small parts and sections may fall away at a time, torturous. Once your iceberg is dissolved, peace. Your new identity is open calmness, not within, not without. Openness loses its meaning without the false you boundaries. It may require acclimation!

My Separation and Suffering Requires a Me

Right before an opinion, label, or preference there is a me. A me hardware arises to run my endless thought programs. A belief makes a me.  Divisions perturb a me.  Hatreds slice a me to slivers. To judge everything needs a me separate from its surroundings. The environment divides itself?  The multiverse divides, too? Have you become an adrift particle out of the waves? "I hate I am not this.  I want to be that."  Endlessly... Fractal suffering!! The self arises only to dance in madness. When the self is released, quiet and inner peace melt "ourselves" into open, non language.  It's the only peace I've known. There is no me able to believe in nothing. It is a self believing in oblivion. Look around. Oblivion is absurd! The vacuum writhes with energy and creation. Pure potential, not pure nothing. Tao speaks of return. We return to openness with our multiverse and universe. How could we have ever been separate from these things?

Tao Seems a Sparkling Dark

I cannot speak of it, but to explain it as dark shimmering at every point of its existence.  It is frothing being and non-being at every instance in spacetime.  Frothing seems at every point of herenow. There is a structure to the frothing, luckily for all.  Geometry lies at the heart of it.  Out therethen is chaos.  Herenow calms and is calm.  You must renew it, though, always.  Geometric structures are balanced and harmonic in their energy efficiency flows. Layers upon endless layers of being pile upon it, first semi-formed, then slightly more formed in my dream clarification.  We can zoom in and out. My Dream of Sparkling Oblivion I seemed to be in space, but a part of space, as if totally... one... with... space.  I was dazed and looked to my left.  The being was made of the stars and galaxies. It smirked and I realized I was in the car with it, along for the ride.  Warp drive was enabled and the stars became smears ...

Questions for the Fully Awakened Ones

Can you journey beyond good and evil in this world? In this lifetime?  When then, in the next? Do you dare be lower than the heartless monster? Do you dare be above the untouchable gods? Can you turn your back on the highest fantasy you place for yourself? Can you embrace your darkest times from your past? Can you fully accept the tortures this world has handed you? These are all yours. To embrace god and to embrace all is to embrace all of you. Your openness is the openness of the universe. Release of your tortured self is demanded. Has your creator made a mistake? Has your universe been mistaken? Are you better at creating than the multiverse that has created all before a you? A multiverse of infinite yous awaits your acceptance, too. Open and release. Have you ever been outside of your herenow universe? Your freedom is herenow.

You've Never Not Been Herenow

There is endlessly unfolding herenow. Space and time are one. It's impossible to ever not be herenow. You are unfolding and intertwining with everything. Everyone is unfolding and intertwining with everything. Everything intertwines and merges with everything. When you were there in the past, another now. Blissfully gone, unfolded away. Now and now and now unfurl their forward march without effort. Past is non-existent. Future, another word with no meaning. These two are away, where we never exist. A surrender to herenow is only obvious.

The Continuous Shell

There is no shell on our outside, only interactions between "us" and "environment". No body is closed. Nobody is closed. Each cell destroyed and another reborn, then exhausted again. Atmosphere flows in and we are transformed. Food and drink come in to be broken and used, another transformation between out and in. The environment is expelled The waste released.  More air in. Processes and transformations at all levels. The self shell dissolves from the new perspective. The fight against environment ends in unification that always was.