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Showing posts from 2013

The Earth is a Self Transforming Machine Elf

It is changing.  I believe it is a sentient being.  It has all these lower life forms all over it.  The humans almost destroyed it, but the Elf planet is forcefully waking us all up. We are part of the great self transformer.   McKenna's self transforming machine elves pervade nature.  We are part of nature too, so... We are Also Machine Elves Self - aware of itself Transforming - can change its thoughts and appearance Machine - interacting with electronics, work through complex problems Elf - you can't have a self without an elf

Exploring Tunnels UNDER Egypt's Giza Plateau - Video

A Massive Ancient Canal System This is an incredible tour of the Giza plateau between the Sphinx and the middle pyramid.  It is an intricate system of water channels that lead to the pyramids. Most people work from the assumption that the pyramids are dynastic.  They see all of the ruins through this false lens. In realistic studies, though, we must let the evidence guide our theories.  It is amateur and irresponsible to assume anything about ancient sites. This video clearly shows that there are at least three levels of building on top of the massive and perfect channel construction.  It also aligns well with the work of the Engineer Chris Dunn. Are These Huge Giza Power Plants ? The pyramids are built to machine precision and appear to have been used as a power structure or generator.  The inner chambers are made to resonate perfectly.  it seems that the supply of power was from these giant water canals. I believe this is the work of a...

Adyashanti: The Experience of No Self (Video Clip)

Adyashanti is great as a spiritual teacher.  I thought I would share this quick clip from my subscriptions feed. Here are some of my favorite points from this brilliant quick talk. Emptiness means no self in the center. The self always keep to the center.  "I want this, I want that." It is very tough for us in this society to think of us as anything but a self.  All seeking is still self seeking. To see the absence of self opens the door to experience the absence of self.  This is liberation, or leads to liberation from sense of self.

Fascinating New Advances Make Mind Interface Tech Real

Some of the new sciences and technologies I have been following are incredible.  Stuff that I thought would come out in maybe 20 years is coming out of left field. This stuff impressed me so much that I made it into an entire Web Magazine here: Mind Interface Technology Magazine . Here is a quick list of new technologies which interface with thoughts.   Paralyzed woman uses thoughts to control robotic arm Researchers able to get rough images from peoples' brainwaves Man with Bionic Leg to Climb Chicago Skyscraper I found these from a quick search, so check out the magazine as I dig into the topic and share what I find. I can't wait to see what else comes out.  When this thought technology begins to combine with things like nanotechnology, it seems that the sky is the limit.

Future Sciences Today

I love looking in to the chaos of the new Sciences.  There are incredible discoveries being unveiled every day.  It is happening more quickly too. These are some of my favorite new Sciences, Scientists, Paradigms and Technologies.  They seem to be getting holistic as mind, science, spirit, technology, and imagination come together with unity, peace, and planet Earth as the central theme. ( If I don't have links under some of these, you can use each phrase in a search engine as a great starting point into articles. ) Holofractal Universe Nassim Haramein: Resonance Project Cosmometry: Geometry of the Multiverse   Consciousness as Basis of Universe Dr. John Hegelin: Physics and Consciousness Universe as a Brain Psychedelic Research MAPS: Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies Terence Mckenna (videos) : Talks about consciousness, language, myths, psychedelics, chemistry, and imagination among other topics. Real...

Contemplating What True Freedom Really Is

As I wake up more into the present, I like to allow these new feelings of true freedom that I feel without reserve. My life hasn't changed too much lately, so that is not the new freedom that I am talking about.  Rather, it is my releasing of beliefs and thoughts that were imprinted as a "poor little me" as Alan Watts said. Another way to say it would be that they are ideas and beliefs that I allowed to be imprinted on me, not being taught Oneness.  It really is a case of taking responsibility for my thoughts and self inflicted suffering. It really doesn't matter as these things lose their importance in my mind.  I am also getting natural at releasing the grip of thoughts  Coming to the present moment becomes easier and easier.  It takes practice, and then this leads to doing it naturally, not as a practice. Not thinking about it  Lately, I like to use my imagination to help me with this.  I was going to share a kind of perfect vision of se...

Choose Happiness and Rise Above Anger and Resentment

This is a great video from Craig Holliday about choosing to be happy and forgiving.  This takes constant effort, but I have found it is well worth it!  Enjoy... I stumbled on to these non duality teachings a couple of months ago.  They are very powerful lessons in waking up our consciousness. Craig Holliday is a great teacher in this field so show him some support and share his videos around the web.  You may be surprised by which of your friends reacts well to this message. Choose to be happy everybody!

The Largest Release of UFO Information Ever

The Disclosure Project and Neverending Light Productions are soon to release their epic UFO documentary.  Here is the full trailer. FULL TRAILER from Amardeep Kaleka on Vimeo . I have never been more excited for a film to be released.  This is going to be the largest release of UFO and free energy evidence ever.  The most amazing part is that top doctors and experts in genetics have studied an ET body which will be in the film.  The next most amazing part is that this was all funded by donations from the people. This is a clear indication that the masses are tired of the lies, coverups, and bullshit in general.  Our people and society are mature enough to know the truth finally. Secret Technology Projects are Hidden From Us For at least a hundred years, technology has been suppressed.  Hidden in these projects are anti-gravity drives, teleportation, zero point energy devices, consciousness technology, healing technologies, basically anyth...