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The Largest Release of UFO Information Ever

The Disclosure Project and Neverending Light Productions are soon to release their epic UFO documentary.  Here is the full trailer.

FULL TRAILER from Amardeep Kaleka on Vimeo.

I have never been more excited for a film to be released.  This is going to be the largest release of UFO and free energy evidence ever.  The most amazing part is that top doctors and experts in genetics have studied an ET body which will be in the film.  The next most amazing part is that this was all funded by donations from the people.

This is a clear indication that the masses are tired of the lies, coverups, and bullshit in general.  Our people and society are mature enough to know the truth finally.

Secret Technology Projects are Hidden From Us

For at least a hundred years, technology has been suppressed.  Hidden in these projects are anti-gravity drives, teleportation, zero point energy devices, consciousness technology, healing technologies, basically anything that science fiction has come up with.

This is the main drive behind the coverups.  Free energy is going to bankrupt the oil tycoons and corporations.  The incestuous relationships between corporations, military, and politicians is finally going to end.  Their brutal control and centralized power regimes are falling.  

This is a film which can help pull the plug on the dying elite and usher in a new era of peace, abundance for all and cooperation across the planet.  The slaughter and oppression will come to an end as we turn our back on the old.

These are the reasons why I promote this film and disclosure so often.  If there is one issue which is central to world peace, it is this.  Transparency and opening up the over 5000 suppressed patents is a good start down this road.  For the children and future generations, won't you share this film everywhere you can?  It only takes a couple of minutes.  The media won't do it, so WE do it.

Are you ready to take off the diapers, pull the collective thumbs out of your mouths and face the truth that we are being engaged by civilizations from other star systems?  Are you ready to confront the facts that no politician or corporate entity ever gave a shit about you or your family?

"The truth will set you free, but it will piss you off first".

Are you ready for world peace, full disclosure, free energy, space travel, cooperation between all societies, and unity as one people, hell even one galaxy?

This is the Destiny of Humanity

Times are changing.  Society is changing.  The masses are protesting on all fronts and we will not let up until complete freedom is realized.  Disclosure is central to a peaceful world.  It is time we all know the truth and demand it from those who mockingly call themselves our "leaders".

Thanks for reading.  Peace.  We are all One.



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