I love looking in to the chaos of the new Sciences. There are incredible discoveries being unveiled every day. It is happening more quickly too.
These are some of my favorite new Sciences, Scientists, Paradigms and Technologies. They seem to be getting holistic as mind, science, spirit, technology, and imagination come together with unity, peace, and planet Earth as the central theme.
(If I don't have links under some of these, you can use each phrase in a search engine as a great starting point into articles.)
Holofractal Universe
Consciousness as Basis of Universe
- Dr. John Hegelin: Physics and Consciousness
- Universe as a Brain
Psychedelic Research
- MAPS: Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies
- Terence Mckenna (videos): Talks about consciousness, language, myths, psychedelics, chemistry, and imagination among other topics.
- Reality Sandwich: Evolving consciousness articles.
- The Psychedeic Salon Podcast
Energy Fields of Humans
- Dr. Bruce Lipton: Biology and energy researcher.
- Gregg Braden: Heart energy research.
Consciousness Technology
- Controlling robot arms with mind
- Mind controlled copters
- Getting screen images from mind
Scalar Waves
- Konstantin Meyl: dubbed the "new Einsteing", studies Scalar Waves and potential vortex energy.
New Astronomy
- Estimation of 4 Billion possible Earth like planets in galaxy alone!
- Amino acids in space
- Fungal spores can survive space
- Life in meterites
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