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The Vast Changes Anti-Gravity will Bring the Earth

When anti-gravity (electrogravitic) propulsion comes out from secret projects, society will be transformed radically and rapidly.  Imagine all construction projects such as: bridges, buildings, tunnels, etc., not needing cranes any longer.  Have you thought of that?  How quickly will new projects go up? 

Huge sections can be constructed on the surrounding ground, then lifted easily into place.  It will take far less people far less time to complete a build.  Yes, this will take out tons of jobs, but I believe our future purposes will be dedicated to healing and protecting our planet while following our hearts, Star Trek style.

A large chunk of the population will be living and working on massive ships colonizing our solar system and beyond.  There will be no limit to the mass that can be raised from the ground.  Asteroids, comets, and other space debris will easily be captured and transformed for our needs.

New real estate will simply be hovering, yes like Avatar.  Much of the population will become nomadic.  Our craft will be able to scale to any size and land anywhere.  Personal owning of land will become less of a serious issue.  Who needs land when we have the sky, sea, and atmosphere!

With manipulation of electromagnetic and gravity fields, the speed limit on the planet will be raised greatly.  Public transport craft will traverse continents in a few minutes.  The idea of borders and national identities will melt away faster than they are today.  We will literally see the unity and totality of Earth as one.  It might be known as the "Great Humbling Era" or something like that.

Manipulation of electromagnetic and gravity fields will usher in new (and bring out hidden) energy systems.  All energy systems we have now will become obsolete over night.  It will be a profound new era for humanity.

Maybe there are other civilizations waiting for us to come interact.  We will see!  Research these hidden technologies, learn the history, and demand the secrecy to end.  Let's blast off and heal our world!


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